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Please review the Terms of Use.

It includes the How i Healthy policies, disclosures, details about the agreement you make with How i Healthy by using this website, and other valuable information that can help you before contacting us.

Please understand that due to the volume of messages How i Healthy receives there can be a delay in our response.

Additionally, How i Healthy is constantly striving to improve our accessibility. If you have any accessibility-related concerns, please fill out the form below.

This website and its content are no substitute for professional advice.

How i Healthy and its authors are not qualified or certified professionals of any kind and, therefore, are not able to answer any medical or health questions or provide any recommendations or advice. 

Please direct all health and medical questions to your health or medical provider.

You can find more information in the Terms of Use.

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Respectfully, any requests for guest posts will be marked spam and ignored. 

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If you feel your question does not fall into any of the above categories and wish to reach out you may do so by filling out the form below. Thank you!

Cartoon woman sitting on a sofa chair and holding a steaming cup of coffee.

Contact Form

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And no worries, I’m a minimalist.

I won’t clutter your inbox.

Cartoon woman waving and smiling.

Stay in the Loop!

And no worries, I’m a minimalist.

I won’t clutter your inbox.