Who is Artemis?

Get to know Artemis, the writer behind How i Healthy!

Cartoon woman holding a coffee mug in both hands.
Cartoon woman holding a coffee mug in both hands.

Goals in life?

Incorporating coffee into every meal and moving to Middle Earth.

What's you're day job?

This! I am a full-time writer, research paper reader, and sex toy tester.

After seeing greenwashed sex toys flood the market, I started How i Healthy to combat the misinformation. I quite my W-2 job and now work harder than I ever have. But it’s a choice I never regret.

When you aren’t writing for How i Healthy, what are you doing?

Living my Tolkien Middle Earth fantasy by quoting Lord of Rings whenever applicable.

I devour fan fiction too. And write my own. I don’t post my stories though, it’s something I write entirely for myself.

I also bake ALL THE THINGS!

Food is yummy, any other thoughts?

Cereal is my favorite type of soup.

 Almost everything tastes better with soy sauce, miso, or gochujang. (Except maybe cereal)

And I’m convinced my bamboo steamer can solve any problem.

What’s your biggest kitchen fail?

“Green balls”, as my partner says.

An unfortunate attempt at green lentil falafel. I like falafel. And I like green lentils.

But apparently falafel + lentils= nasty green balls.

That said, my no-bake banana-goop cookies were also an epic fail.

With all this cooking you do, why don’t you have recipes on How i Healthy?

Food is powerful. Food has an incredible ability to unit or divide people.

What someone eats is a personal choice, a health choice, a necessary choice, and a privileged choice. And for folks who are food insecure, not a choice at all.

The reality of our individual situations can sometimes be forgotten in conversations about food. Folks who’d unite under similar values instead have walls dividing them.

Even though I am passionate about food, How i Healthy is a space where food doctrines aren’t on the table. Those conversations are happening in many other places, I wanted to have different ones at this table.

Why don’t you talk about sustainable fashion much?

While sustainable fashion, like food, is also dependent on resources and privilege, I don’t talk much about the fashion because I’m not a fashion person.

I don’t do clothes, purses, accessories, or shoes. I’m a minimalist with 9 outfits. And half of those outfits came from army surplus. They have awesome wool pants that’ll last a lifetime!

As for shoes: There’s my article on Minimalist Shoes. Both the number and type of shoes I prefer are minimalist. Beyond that though, I don’t talk clothing much.

I keep my hair super short, so I don’t need a brush, hair ties, or other hair ‘stuff’.

And I don’t wear jewelry, (my partner and I didn’t even do wedding or engagement rings!).

Stuff makes me anxious. Options make me anxious. So, clothing & shopping makes me super anxious.

While I’ll talk about sustainable ways to shop, like thrift stores, local shops, or Fair-Trade shops, I stop short of specific brand recommendations. I get overwhelmed even attempting to.

Plus, honestly, the most ethical/sustainable clothing choice is clothing you already own. If you must buy, then go vintage or thrift at your local shop. 

Though I might write about ethical underwear, those are harder to buy used…

Ethical, thrifting, and slow fashion is popping up in many conversations. The options available to folks are expanding as consumers demand better-for-the-world clothing. Yay progress!

What do you do with friends?

Drink coffee and play Dungeons & Dragons!

Both…for hours…

What kind of music do you like?

Classic big band, jazz, and swing are my forever loves. Before my knee injury, I was a swing dancer. And even though my dancer days are over, I’d choose Billie Holiday or Ella Fitzgerald over anything.

But I also love instrumentals. My favorites are the hurdy-gurdy and bagpipes-nothing like a good drone instrument!

Swedish kulning (herd calling), Japanese koto, and Chinese Erhu are my go-to writing music.

Unless of course, I’m writing fan fiction. Then it’s The Lord of the Rings soundtrack on repeat. For hours.

Speaking of Lord of the Rings:
Elf, Hobbit, or Race of Men?

Hobbit. Second breakfasts for the win.

What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?

I was a marble in 2nd grade.

My incredible mother, undaunted by my strange request, sewed together a giant, fluff-stuffed, taco-like costume.

I slipped between the layers and popped my head through a hole at the top (the base of the taco).

Fashioned from iridescent purple fabric and stuffed with fluff, I was a great sphere of upside-down taco magnificence.

Coming Soon!

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Stay in the Loop!

And no worries, I’m a minimalist.

I won’t clutter your inbox.