
Holding Coffee With Peace Sign

Hiya! I’m Artemis, and this is How i Healthy!

I like: Research Papers, Ethical Businesses, The Earth, Obscure History, & Sustainable Dildos.

I might be a minimalist, but here’s the thing: 

I’m still a consumer. I buy stuff.

And that’s powerful.

When we buy stuff, we can support local communities, environmental stewardship, and ethical business.

But, if you’ve spent hours researching products, ingredients, supply chains, or simply tried to find out who made your sex toy, then you might feel powerless.

Why is buying stuff so darn hard?

There’s greenwashing, misinformation, false claims, pseudoscience, counterfeits, and business supply chain transparency (or lack of).

How can we make informed choices?

Navigating this mess is hard.

But you’re covered.

From soap to sex toys, and everything in between.

It’s my job to find actually sustainable and ethical products for home, body, & bedroom.

I throw in some cool science, data, & history facts along way too.

That’s because How i Healthy is all about:

Healthy Body, Healthy Planet, & Healthy Sex.

Holding Coffee With Peace Sign

I’m Artemis, a Sex-Positive Environmentalist.

The Goal

Green Living:

Kitchen to Bedroom

You’ll find products I meticulously investigated.

And use every day.

Vibrators included.

You Won’t Find:

Instead, You’ll Find:

Sex toy greenwashing citrus fruits cut in half.
Cartoon woman holding a coffee mug in both hands.

And I get it, we all have budgets. 

Sustainable & ethical living is privileged living.

That’s why I don’t do “products in exchange for reviews”.

I’m too much of a minimalist to do it anyway.

Every product is purchased. Every review is influence-free. Every opinion is my own. And if it wasn’t worth the money, I don’t recommend it. 

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And no worries, I’m a minimalist.

I won’t clutter your inbox.

Cartoon woman waving and smiling.

Stay in the Loop!

And no worries, I’m a minimalist.

I won’t clutter your inbox.